East End Photographers Group is a non-profit 501-c7 photographic organization that works to put together group photography exhibits for its members. Our mission is to promote photography and the visual arts.
Benefits include working creatively with other photographers, yearly exhibitions, periodic newsletter, a group website and promoting exhibits. Please direct any questions about the group to: info@eastendphotogroup.org
To Become A Member …
Send us an email and tell us a little about yourself. Have you exhibited before, what is your experience level, why you would like to join and what kind of photography you enjoy most?
Attach a few images to your email, or a website or social link with samples of your work.
We’ll take take a look at your request and get back to you with confirmation that your request has been approved.
Once you have been approved please fill out this membership form.
When you open the membership application, you’ll be asked to provide information, send a yearly membership fee of $60 and to submit 10 photos of you work that we will use for promotion and publicity.
Begin here - say hello and request membeship into the group … please do not forget to submit a few samples of your work. info@eastendphotogroup.org